Crafting for a Cause – Australia

We have been a collection point for the aid items being sent to Australia and have run a number of craft sessions and sewing school classes creating hand-made aid items for Australian wildlife. Now, there is no immediate requirement for further crafted items, just monetary donations for food for the animals. We are now accepting donations for an Australian animal welfare charity. 

We’d like to sincerely thank everyone who has contributed so far. Although recent rains have provided some relief to stem the wildfires, the wildlife and environmental impact remains severe and the much-needed items we have crafted and collected have now been sent to the local main collection hub.

We are helping in conjunction with the Animal Rescue Collective Craft Guild, supported by registered Australian animal welfare charity MKC.

Some of the items we have crafted which are now on their way to Australia to help. (pictured right)

Crafting to help!
Our crafting and the Animal Rescue Collective Craft Guild

The registered animal welfare Charity backing this initiative is the MKC (Mini Kitty Commune) charity number 69348678275, registered in Australia.

koala blanket

Hanging pouches, bird and rodent nests, bat wraps, blankets, animal bedding and carry bag pouches are some of the items which we have crafted to help with the wildlife in crisis in Australia. Some of our local makers have also hand-crafted themed keyrings and hanging hearts.